Brief for hotels in the Seychelles/Africa region to adapt the green standard to the blue criteria of the region. Trial certification of hotels to attract Russian tourists.
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If you want to get advertising on a Russian site for green (blue) corporate companies in Russia, then download the video and show your environmental initiatives
- type rooms, - common areas, - food zones, - separate waste collection points, - a waste collection site from where the exporting company picks up for processing, - show what measures you are taking in the following areas and describe the savings achieved: - water efficiency, -- energy efficiency, -- separate waste collection - tell us about the system of environmentally responsible procurement. Show the accessibility of the facility for people with limited mobility. Show how environmental education and involvement in eco-practices is implemented. For uploading, use only formats: .pdf, .jpeg., .zip/.rar - for sending video (.mp4 files will not be sent to the archive without packaging)
Please tick if yes. The use of environmentally friendly and innovative materials in design
Select the item if it was implemented. Minimization of the impact of construction / reconstruction / repair on the environment.
Select the item if it was implemented. Accessibility of the facility for people with limited mobility
Select the item if it was implemented. Eco-friendly qualifications and experience of a cleaning company.
Select the item if it was implemented. Rational energy consumption
Select the item if it was implemented. Use of secondary* and alternative energy (* secondary energy resource is an energy resource obtained in the form of production and consumption waste or by-products as a result of a technological process or the use of equipment whose functional purpose is not related to the production of the corresponding type of energy resource.)
CSelect the item if it was implemented. Control and management of engineering support systems.
Select the item if it was implemented. Rational water consumption.
Select the item if it was implemented. Organization of work with waste during the operation of the facility.
Mark what has been done. Greening the printing process.
Mark what has been done. Ecologization of life.
Mark what has been done. Air and thermal comfort of guests in the premises.
Mark what has been done. The rooms have several types of lighting for human comfort.
Check the appropriate one. Acoustic comfort.
Mark what has been done. Ensuring the quality of drinking water.
Mark what has been done. Maintaining the health of guests.
Mark what has been done. Availability of public and service facilities.
Mark implemented (for hotels within the city). Accessibility of the natural environment.
Describe what other methods and solutions you use to improve the health of facility users
Mark implemented. Environmental policy of the hotel.
Отметьте реализованное. Снижение выбросов СО2 отелем
Sustainable Procurement for Functioning
Paper (choose the most appropriate items)
Paper products (notebooks, flipchart paper, notebooks) (choose the most appropriate items)
Writing utensils (choose the most appropriate items)
Hygienic products
Household chemicals (choose the most appropriate items)
Tea / coffee (choose the most suitable items)
What else can you attribute to actions in the field of increasing environmental responsibility and are implementing at the facility?
Saving electrical energy.
Water saving
Saving resources (- minimizing the use of disposable tableware in the office; - topics on greenwashing. - saving forests - less paper. electronic document management. auto printing. printing on drafts. duplex printing. do not use disposable sugar. cream, etc.)
Separate waste collection
Eco-volunteering/Environmental projects
Upload a photo of your hotel with the benefits listed above
For uploading, use only formats: .pdf, .jpeg​., .zip/.rar - for sending video (.mp4 files will not be sent to the archive without packaging)
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